R codes used in Spatial Relationships Between Two Georeferenced Variables
Below you will find links to R scripts and codes used in the book; please inform us if you notice anything missing.
Codispersion map for non-rectangular grids
The codispersion coefficient quantifies the association between two spatial
processes for a particular direction (spatial lag) on the two-dimensional
space. Following R code
reflects the computational
procedure to estimate the values of the codispersion and the plotting procedure
to yield the codispersion map. This code also is available as an R source file:
codisp.map <- function(x, y, coords, nclass = 13, ncell = 40)
rho <- function(x, y, uvec, max.dist, angle) {
z <- as.geodata(cbind(x$coords, x$data + y$data))
nz <- variog(z, uvec = uvec, max.dist = max.dist, direction = angle, messages = FALSE)
dx <- variog(x, uvec = uvec, max.dist = max.dist, direction = angle, messages = FALSE)
dy <- variog(y, uvec = uvec, max.dist = max.dist, direction = angle, messages = FALSE)
cf <- .5 * (nz$v - dx$v - dy$v) / sqrt(dx$v * dy$v)
x <- as.geodata(cbind(coords, x))
y <- as.geodata(cbind(coords, y))
dmax <- .5 * max(dist(coords))
angles <- seq(from = 0, to = pi, by = 0.01)
nangles <- length(angles)
uvec <- seq(from = 0, to = dmax, length = nclass + 1)[-1]
xcirc <- ycirc <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nclass)) {
xcirc[(nangles*(i-1)+1):(nangles*i)] <- seq(-uvec[i], uvec[i], length = nangles)
ycirc[(nangles*(i-1)+1):(nangles*i)] <- sqrt(uvec[i]^2 - xcirc[(nangles*(i-1)+1):(nangles*i)]^2)
z <- matrix(0, nrow = nangles, ncol = nclass)
for (i in seq_len(nangles))
z[i,] <- rho(x, y, uvec = uvec, max.dist = dmax, angle = angles[i])
z <- as.vector(z)
par(pty = "s")
xl <- seq(min(xcirc), max(ycirc), length = ncell)
yl <- seq(min(ycirc), max(ycirc), length = ncell)
image.plot(interp(xcirc, ycirc, z, xo = xl,yo = yl), col = topo.colors(256), xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
title(main = "Codispersion map")
Vallejos, R., Osorio, F., Mancilla, D. (2015).
The codispersion map: a graphical tool to visualize the association between two spatial variables.
Statistica Neerlandica 69, 298-314.
Codispersion map for rectangular grids
The R function hcodisp.map
provides a graphical
tool called codispersion map to visualize the spatial correlation between
two sequences measured for regular lattices on the plane. Sources for this
codispersion map are available at the next link:
- hcodisp.map.tar.gz
- R and C sources
To use this funtion, first download the source as a tarball (.tar.gz) file. Unpack the tarball (thereby creating a directory named, hcodisp.map) and to create the Dynamically Loaded (DL) library, enter at the console prompt:
R CMD SHLIB -o hcodisp.so *.c
To use this funtion, start R and enter:
z <- hcodisp.map(x, y)
Vallejos, R., Osorio, F., Mancilla, D. (2015).
The codispersion map: a graphical tool to visualize the association between two spatial variables.
Statistica Neerlandica 69, 298-314.
Codispersion map using kernel estimation
Codispersion map between two spatial processes using a nonparametric approach.
An R script and the source for the computatioon of the codispersion coefficient
are available at: codisp.kern_script.R
and codisp.kern.R
, respectively.
## Script to compute the codispersion map using kernel estimation
library(fields) # required to see the output image
# Warning: this operation could take a long time
lenx <- length(x)
leny <- length(y)
Mcodisp <- matrix(0, ncol = leny, nrow = lenx)
for (i in 1:lenx) {
for (j in 1:leny) {
Mcodisp[i,j] <- codisp.kern(x, y, c(x[i], y[j]), h)[4]
image.plot(x, y, Mcodisp, col = topo.colors(128), ylab = "", xlab = "", main = "Codispersion map")
Function to compute the codispersion coefficient between two spatial processes.
The routine uses geodata objects (from geoR package
codisp.kern <- function(x, y, k, h, gamma = 1)
kernel <- function(u, gamma) {
v = 0
v = ifelse(abs(u) <= 1, (1 / beta(0.5, gamma + 1)) * (1 - u^2)^gamma, 0)
ifelse(x$coords == y$coords, 1, stop("The coordinates of x and y are different"))
n <- length(x$data)
xx <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
yy <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
xy <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
zx <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
zy <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
for (i in 1:n) {
for (j in i:n) {
xx[i,j] <- (x$data[i] - x$data[j])^2
yy[i,j] <- (y$data[i] - y$data[j])^2
xy[i,j] <- (x$data[i] - x$data[j]) * (y$data[i] - y$data[j])
zx[i,j] <- x$coords[i,1] - x$coords[j,1]
zy[i,j] <- x$coords[i,2] - x$coords[j,2]
zx <- zx - t(zx)
zy <- zy - t(zy)
xx <- xx + t(xx)
yy <- yy + t(yy)
xy <- xy + t(xy)
kern.xx <- kernel((k - zx) / h[1], gamma) * kernel((k - zy) / h[1], gamma)
kern.yy <- kernel((k - zx) / h[2], gamma) * kernel((k - zy) / h[2], gamma)
kern.xy <- kernel((k - zx) / h[3], gamma) * kernel((k - zy) / h[3], gamma)
num <- sum(kern.xy * xy) / (2 * sum(kern.xy))
den1 <- sum(kern.xx * xx) / (2 * sum(kern.xx))
den2 <- sum(kern.yy * yy) / (2 * sum(kern.yy))
o1 <- den1
o2 <- den2
o3 <- num
o4 <- num / sqrt(den1 * den2)
c(o1, o2, o3, o4)
Cuevas, F., Porcu, E., Vallejos, R. (2013).
Study of spatial relationships between two sets of variables: A nonparametric approach.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 25, 695-714.